publisher: Capcom
genre: fighting game
platform: PC / Windows
release date: World: 11 May 2012
USA: 11 May 2012
Europe: 11 May 2012
see this game on other platforms:
PS3 360
play modes: single / multiplayer
multiplayer: Internet | number of players: 1-2
game language: English
age requirements: 12+
suggested system requirements:
2 Duo 2.6 GHz, 1 GB RAM (2 GB RAM - Vista/7), graphic card 512 MB
(GeForce 8800 GT or better), 10 GB HDD, Windows XP/Vista/7.
long awaited dream match-up between the two leaders in the fighting
genre becomes a reality. Street Fighter X Tekken delivers the ultimate
tag team match up featuring iconic characters from each franchise, and
one of the most robust character line ups in fighting game history. With
the addition of new gameplay mechanics, the acclaimed fighting engine
from Street Fighter IV has been refined to suit the needs of both Street
Fighter and Tekken players alike.
MATCH UP – Dozens of playable characters including Hugo, Ibuki, Poison,
Dhalsim, Ryu, Ken, Guile, Abel, and Chun-Li from Street Fighter as well
as Raven, Kuma, Yoshimitsu, Steve, Kazuya, Nina, King, Marduk, and Bob
from Tekken.
REAL-TIME TAG BATTLE – Fight as a team of two and switch between characters strategically.
FAMILIAR CONTROLS – In Street Fighter X Tekken, controls will feel familiar for fans of both series.
JUGGLE SYSTEM – Toss your foes into Tekken-style juggles with Street Fighter X Tekken’s universal air launching system.
ASSAULT – By using the Cross Gauge, a player can activate Cross Assault
and attack with both of their characters at the same time.
ART – Using the Cross Gauge you can immediately unleash a Super Art.
Ryu’s famed Shinku Hadoken, Kazuya’s Devil Beam as well as the Tekken
characters all have original Super Art techniques.
ONLINE MODES – In addition to the online features from Super Street
Fighter IV, Street Fighter X Tekken features totally upgraded online
functionality and some new surprises.
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